New String Gardens - Ready for Spring

 Black Mondo & Green Moss combination 
Maidenhair Fern with a Green Moss 'Fur Collar' 
Pink flowering Bellis perennis and various Ferns

Ferns with green Moss and white Moss

A Medley of various Fern species, with green Moss and white Moss

1 comment:

  1. hi there.
    We operate a online nursery in India. we are planning to implement string garden in one of our clients parking yard which is open and climate is hot and dry.
    we would like you to help us to create a sustainable string garden. I have some queries I would like you to help me out with:
    1. how to create a perfect round ball. should i use some object inside to make it round .
    2. how to make the moss and soil hold together as we tried and the plants died along with moss and soil falling down .
    3. what sort of plants would you reccommend for hot and dry climate. some times humid.
    4. what sort of string is gud enough to hold 2 kgs weigth along with long sustainability as its going to be out door.
    5. what all is needed to make it other than soil, vermicompost, dry moss as we dont have wet moss available.
    6. is it possible to plant some grass around the plant or around the ball

    kindly help me out as we are at cut throat situtation.

    whatsapp no- +91- 8806061815
