Black Mondo - White String
Miniature white flowering Bougainvillea

Green mossy ball encasing a Fern
A red stemmed Fern happily tied in a green mossy ball 

String tying detail
The hook and loop system allows for easy access... you can move the string gardens around to water them, fertilise them or just change their orientation or position. Eventually the plant will grow to cover the hook and loop, increasing the illusion of weightless suspension.
The beautiful silver foliage of Senecio cineraria with Molly's green moss (left) and the cute white flowers of Bellis perennis with white moss (right)

New String Gardens - Ready for Spring

 Black Mondo & Green Moss combination 
Maidenhair Fern with a Green Moss 'Fur Collar' 
Pink flowering Bellis perennis and various Ferns

Ferns with green Moss and white Moss

A Medley of various Fern species, with green Moss and white Moss

The Silver & Black Collection

Black Mondo, Senecio cineraria and Conostylus candicans
This colourful collection of string gardens look really elegant together. They all like to be hung in a sunny position, and because they are tough plants they can happily handle drying out for short periods of time. If you do have a sunny, exposed position these are the perfect string gardens for you! *Green moss wrapped around the root ball wont survive well in these conditions so white moss is best.